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Glór Na Mara National School, Tramore, Co. Waterford

5th Class News

28th Feb 2025

It has been a busy start to 2025 for 5th class. Our Library Committee volunteers have been busy organising our new books as well as showing younger classes how to choose and check out books. They are doing a fantastic job of promoting reading for enjoyment throughout the whole school.

As we were focusing on non-fiction texts in English, we used our wonderful library to do a book scavenger hunt to explore the characteristics of the genre.

In History, we learned about St.Brigid and showed great determination and creativity in making St.Brigid's crosses. This creativity was also to the fore as we made clay Viking Longships and Knarr ships. We each created lapbook projects and some of us even made Viking shields and swords as part of our projects!

Spring really arrived this week and a number of boys and girls from 5th class volunteered to stay after school on Friday to help in the school garden. This was part of the Healthy Waterford Community initiative and we were so lucky to have Ms.Phelan and horticulturalist Colman Power on hand to advise and guide us. We are looking forward to using this knowledge in our own planting in class as well as sharing our expertise with the younger classes over the coming months.